Daily rant_Figuring it out
As you can tell from multiples blogposts on this site, I am not certain of most things I write about. I'm still figuring it out. This mediocre phase of "figuring it out" is probably not what you want to be at if you're seeking your way to success. I think I use that uncertainty as an excuse to actually be determined and pour my heart in something like I once did when I was younger. I'm probably afraid of being disappointed by the results. I'm scared to be responsible of the aftermath. Now, that is not very optimistic. I haven't even started yet but already thinking about screwing it up. But I just can't stop thinking about it. I think failure is inevitable but knowing the problem and facing the problem are two different things.
On the other hand, there are people who say that don't be afraid of the results, it's the journey that matters. Well, I'm here to tell you that is false. We, as human living in this big wide cruel world know that is only a polished fantasy created by the capitalists. I think the results matter. If you pour your soul into something, you'd most likely to expect a result as good as your heart desire. The journeys, not matter long or short, are always challenging, one way or another. So, if you got what you wanted then though the journey was tough, it'd echo back as beautiful memories. The "results don't matter but journeys matter" are just a mere console for the losers, which I appreciate. But we gotta be clear here that results matter.
That is why I've been in this "figuring it out" phase since conception and refuse to advance myself to the "figured it out" phase. I don't know when facing absolute failure, how would it be? How can I comeback strong like heroes in block burster movies? I fear that what I figured out would be wrong.
I'm entering adulthood and it's already not going well.
The reason why adulthood sucks is responsibility. The one thing I am most afraid of.